Our Story
AIHQ is a proven leader in healthcare education, training and consulting services for health professionals. We’ve earned a reputation for excellence in healthcare quality improvement and management.
Our senior technical staff works with some of the world’s top healthcare organizations.
We’ve developed assessment systems healthcare leaders use to gauge their performance and accreditation standards used by the World Health Organization (WHO) and selected countries.
Our training workshops on healthcare management, quality, insurance and a variety of other important topics have helped dozens of organizations across the globe.
Improving Healthcare Quality
AIHQ works to improve healthcare quality by educating healthcare professionals about healthcare best practices.
We focus on instructing our clients on how to plan for, measure, and improve healthcare quality in all facilities and facets such as:
Patient Safety
Infection Control
Performance Improvement
Risk Management
Compliance and Accreditation
Health and Hospital Administration
Health Insurance
Healthcare Financial Management
Facility Management and Safety
The American Institute for Healthcare Quality is an international leader in healthcare education. Along with our partner American Gulf International Consulting, AIHQ has found international success in building and improving quality healthcare facilities.
We have worked in such countries as:
Saudi Arabia
The American Institute for Healthcare Quality is licensed by the:
Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools
3700 N. Classen Blvd. Ste 250
Oklahoma City, OK 73118, USA
+1(405) 528-3370
If you should have any complaints or concerns with AIHQ or any of our courses taught please send all formal complaints to OBPVS at the address listed above. All of the Institute’s certificates are trademarked and registered by the Oklahoma Secretary of State. AIHQ is also registered by the Copyright Office and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.