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  • Do I need to submit a new application each time I want to register for a course?
    No. Once your application has been approved, you will be eligible to register for any of our courses.
  • Why do I have to submit an updated CV everytime I renew my certificate?
    Your updated CV is not an absolute requirement for renewal as it does help us determine that you are maintaining the level of standard that we would like to see from our certificate holders. Also, because AIHQ is interested in keeping our certificate holders and members competitive in the work force, we recommend that you keep your CV regularly updated. Asking for an updated copy on your renewal application is a way of reminding you to do so.
  • Do I have to go through a certificate course in order to get a certificate?
    No, the certificate courses are for your edification. If you would like to take a certification examination without first taking a certificate course, please contact us and request the submission of a formal petition. Additionally, include your current CV and supporting documentation. After your petition has been submitted, the institute’s review board will notify you within 5-7 business days whether your petition to take the exam has been approved. Please note that we adjust the content of our courses and examinations to reflect new developments in the field of healthcare. For this reason, we do always recommend that our certificate candidates take the corresponding course.
  • When can I take an exam?
    At the end of each course, a day is set aside for examination. However, if you wish for more time to prepare for the exam, to take the exam without having first taken the course, or if you simply wish to take the exam at another time, you may contact us at to schedule another examination time.
  • When are the classes held?
    We know that we serve a diverse population with busy schedules, and we try to accommodate everyone as best we can. That’s why we adjust our classes for night, day and weekend instruction. Contact us at for specific courses and exams to get more details.
  • Who oversees the quality of AIHQ?
    The Institute is licensed in the State of Oklahoma by the Oklahoma Board of Private Vocational Schools (OBPVS). This licensure has been achieved through a rigourous application and review process, which is renewed annually. All AIHQ certificates and instructor are approved by OBPVS and each certificate has been registered by the Oklahoma Secertary of State. Additionally, all AIHQ certificates are federally registered trademarks with the United States Trade Commission.
  • Do you offer online classes?
    No. But we offer an alternative approach to online courses, we call it "directed readings", where the participant receives all course material through email and will be directed by an assigned instructor to supervise and answer their questions throughout the process if and when needed all through emails. Once the participant is ready to take the exam, AIHQ will arrange a mutually conveniet date and time to administer the exam, all through emails.

© 2023 American Institute for Healthcare Quality

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